Catching the philosophy of ‘Mirror of the Society’, Saujanya Media Pvt.Ltd has specifically launched its service into three main stream like Program and Documentary production, Career training and Media Consultancy services. It is Nepal’s first organization which is focused on information/education sector after getting registration in 2006.
Our company believes that the youth of Nepal play a vital role for the development and success of the nation and media can be one of the best platforms to bring them forward.
Study in Japan (Be Ready for April intake 2018)
About Hub International
.About Hub International
महालक्ष्मी नगरपालिका वडा नम्बर आठमा छायाङ्कन गरेको । पहिलो चरणको निर्वाचनका लागि नेपाल टेलिभिजनबाट प्रसारित ।
here are some of our services
we are partnered with some of best in the industry
our team is formed by the best candidates
Managing Director
Camera Chief
Editing Chief
Account Chief
Officer Co-ordinator
Television Presenter / Media Co-ordinator
Camera Person